Wednesday 16 January 2013

500 days of summer shot analysis

This shot portrays the main character's boredom with his day to day job, he is smartly dressed, implying he has a content, or even affluent, life in a material sense, however the look on his face implies dissatisfaction in another sense. this foreshadows him falling in love easily later in the film. backing up the idea of him being bored, most of the meise en sane is shades of grey and other boring colours, contributing to the concept of boredom in his life.
This is a typical example of a "meet cute" situation. The two main characters meet in an elevator and the woman overhears the music the man is listening to. this is a very popular kind of meet cute situation. this shot is a example of binary opposition (with the line behind them dividing the two characters) however this is subverted by them looking similar, with noticeable changes (apart from obviously gender) which alludes to the two character's polar opposite ideas concerning the subject of love. the colours of this scene are slightly more homely or welcoming than the pervious shot, implying summer brings vibrance into the man's life.
This scene is immediately after the news is broken that the woman is marrying another man. The ultimate subversion of the romantic comedy genre, furthermore exemplifying this, the park bench is a heavily used meet cute location subverting the idea further. both characters are dressed in an extremely adult manner, implying they have both grown up over the corse of the story. they are on opposite sides of the shot than the shot above, symbolising how there ideologies concerning love have swapped over the film. Finally, the colours in this scene are far more mature than the previous shots, completing the progression of the colours from bored, to vibrant, to grownup. similar to the plot of the film itself.

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